Craig Stuke - My Testimony




Up to the age of 26, sure, I went to Church - for funerals and weddings. I even learned a few things going to confirmation classes in Junior High School. But knowing a few things, and going to Church once in a while does not make you a Christian. Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born again." Then Jesus went on to show Nicodemus what it looked like to become a Christian. There are quite a few places in the Bible that tell you what it means to be a Christian, but sadly, many Churches today don't teach it. The Philippian jailer asked the Apostle Paul In Acts 16:30, "What must I do to be saved?" Paul tells him in the next verse, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."

When you study the word 'believe', it is certain that it means more than just having a head knowledge. My first experience in a Gospel preaching Church was at First Baptist Church of Rosemount, Minnesota. This was and is a Church that reaches out into the surrounding community with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I was invited to this Church by my daughter. She was only six at the time. I think the preacher touched on every sin I ever did in His message that day. God spoke to my heart in a powerful way. I was sorry for my sin and thankful that I could be forgiven and start living for God. I accepted Christ into my heart and life and was baptized into the membership of that Church the same day. They did not make it hard to get saved, but it was obvious from my tears of repentance, that it was God who was using His Word and Spirit through that Church to begin a work in me that was beyond what I could do for myself.

Changes in my life began to take place as I continued to attend Church, learn about God and develop a relationship with Him. I was experiencing a new power over the things of the world. God began to do some miracles and in a little more than a years time I was on my way to Bible College to study Music and Bible. I graduated five years later with a BA degree in Music and Bible from Maranatha Baptist Bible College in Watertown, Wisconsin.

After graduating Bible College in 1983, I had the privilege of being a Christian School Music Teacher for the next six years. I made the transition to Church music after that and moved to Oklahoma where I have been a Church Choir Director, Youth leader, Pastor of two Churches, Full Time Evangelist, and currently Worship Leader and Music/Preaching Evangelist. I also operate a recording studio where I record my own music and help other Christian Musicians record and produce their music.

My wife Sue is an interpreter for the deaf by vocation, and interprets many of my special music songs in Revivals and Concerts. We are amazed at what God has done in our lives, how he has taken care of us, and look forward to His continued direction as we carry the Gospel Message of salvation through Christ wherever He opens the door for us.

How does a person accept Christ and become a Christian?

Understand and agree with these four spiritual laws from the Word of God:

1. You have done things that violate God's laws - this is what God calls sin.

2. There is a punishment for violating even one of God's laws, and that punishment is death in a place called Hell.

3. God sent His Son Jesus, who never sinned and therefore was a perfect sacrifice and accepted by God, into the world, to pay our sin debt by dying in our place in the horrible death of crucifixion on the Cross at Calvary.

4. We must each realize He was on that cross paying the penalty for our sin debt on an individual basis. He died for the sins of the world, but when we understand it was our individual sins He was paying for, this should cause us to understand the depth of His love for us and also make us sorry for the sins we have committed, turn from them, and turn to Christ who gives us this new life. The choice at this point is yours. You can choose to stay in your sin or you can turn to Christ and allow him to give you the new life He desires for you. I hope you choose Christ. This is where life is. This is where you will find the strength to overcome the sin that has a hold on you. Let it go and let God show you a better way to live through His Word, a Bible preaching Church, and friends who will help you in your walk with God. Let me know if you have made that decision, I would love to share some Bible verses with you and encourage you and help you any way I can.